
Monday, 23 September 2019

Blackjack Card Counting Strategy

Blackjack Card Counting Strategy
When it comes to the blackjack card counting strategy, I would stick with the proven system of hi Lo. This system has been used for decades, and will continue to work. The only downside to it is does take some practice to master.
The way the system works is each card has a value of +1, zero, or -1. This each card is dealt you keep a running total in your head. When the count starts to get negative, that means a lot of good cards have been played, and that less favorable cards remain in the deck. The higher the count gets the positive the more the odds in your favor, and you bet more heavily.
The actual value of the cards runs like this. Two through six are given a value of a positive one. Seven through nine are given a value of zero. Any card with a value of 10, or the ace is given the value of -1.
All you do is count as you go through the deck. So as low cards are being played, for each one you add a positive one to the total in your head. Likewise for all the other ones you have zero or -1 corresponding to their value.
At full speed with the table of several players, this can be difficult. So you need to practice before you hit the casino. Also when you're at the casino, you need to avoid taking alcohol which will impair your ability obviously keep a count.
The best way to learn this, would be to go to the deck slowly and do the count. Then as you become proficient, you can increase your speed more and more. Always shuffle the deck before your next practice session.


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